Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ega Park

Weekend before last we went to the Ega Park with the Gershenzons.  Ega Park is in Erfurt, about a 30 minute train ride, and then from the train station we walked to the bus stop (and lost the dads when they stopped to buy coffee and onion cakes), for a ten minute ride.
At Ega Park they had a squash display up, and all the squashes were attached to their bases with zip ties!
Below are some pictures, but we only have one picture of an adult.

Naturally Papa was the first to discover the squash surf boarder!
Julia and I sitting on a. . . stone thingy(Logan thinks it's a stone sleigh).

All of the kids in front of a squash whale.
Squash clown fish.
 Squash and wood turtles.
And, going with the theme, a giant squash octopus.
    A truly amazing chair, like the ones you sometimes see at the beach(it even had sand in the cracks).

Pretending to be under the age limit of twelve, and going on the zip line.
Neon colored watering cans that are actually sprinkelers.
A giant rope jungle gym.  There are allot of these in Germany, not in America, probably because they aren't extremely safe.
Eating ice cream while waiting for the bus to the train station, and then nearly missing our train.

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